Brand Icon Dark Blue | Soul Light Experiences | Tracy Wright Corvo | Portrait Photographer | Transformative Energy Healing | Honolulu, Hawaii

Unveiling the Soul Blueprint: Navigating the Path to Expansion

Crystalline Soul Healing® | Soul Light Experiences | Tracy Wright Corvo | Portrait Photographer | Transformative Energy Healing | Honolulu, Hawaii

By / Tracy Wright Corvo

September 16, 2023

I regularly channel my higher-self, which is my own soul energy. My higher-self told me that her name is Hara. She has been an incredible teacher to me. I asked Hara to explain what a soul blueprint is, and this post is the result of our communication.

Have you ever wondered what lies at the core of your being? What is the guiding force that shapes your soul’s journey? Enter the concept of a soul blueprint—an intricate plan that holds the key elements for your growth and expansion. Within this blueprint reside the unique frequencies that propel your soul’s evolution, infusing energy into your human experiences. It is a profound map that originates from the soul’s zero point of origin, traversing a complex path of infinite expansion.

As your soul incarnates, it carries the wisdom of the universe within its essence. However, accessing this wisdom becomes possible only through the heart. When you connect deeply with your true self, you establish a profound connection with the source of the universe. Through the eyes of your soul, you gain a new perspective on life, shedding judgment and embracing trust. The human self evolves and begins to live in alignment with the original blueprint of the soul.

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